Tuesday, May 20, 2014

the Action Model

This action model is most detailed and comprehensive aspect model. It is also really atomic ontology structure level. Each and every actor will be flooded with rules called action rule. According to the action rules only an actor (in other words; agent, user, system, enterprise) compel to act. Though this action rule gives guide to the actor in some cases there is a possibility to deviate this rules depends on the situation. Indeed an actor holds the responsible of all acts he or she assigned. 

It is always easy to the stakeholders of the ontology if we use a language which can be understood by all. The writer a book "Enterprise Ontology" used the language is to get understand by others is "Pseudo Algorithmic Language".  followings are some primary rules.
  1. on-no  pair is responsible for an agendum to be started and closed.
  2. if-fi pair deals with the conditions.
  3. symbol deals, when more than once choice falls under the if-fi condition.
  4. >= symbol leads to which action to be taken.
  5. < > helps us to put some informal expressions.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

to understand the subject well . . .

The studies will be more interesting when you put your step in the subject with understanding and interest. It is necessary to invest your interest in any kind of studies that you are engaged lead you to understand the subject well.

Some time, it is necessary to do some additional works to understand any subjects including interview, browsing, referring, comparing, contrasting, surveying, sketching and etc...

Any subject always described anywhere as broad view. It is essential to make it abstract since it would be make you focus in that subject indeed. The level of abstract is another major part here.  The abstract should be with clear idea of the selected article in a nutshell. Thus the understanding would be much easier in fact. Fast reading or scanning is one of the most important aspect of making abstract of your reference.


Thanks & Regards
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
Lecturer - Computer Science
Department of Computing & Information Systems
Faculty of Applied Sciences/ Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka, Belihuloya.
Office: +94453454519 
Home: +94672222988

In Netherlands
= = = = = = = =
Private Address
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
113, Prof Gimbrerelaan,
5037 EH
Tilburg, Netherlands
+31 61 71 68270

Official Address

ROOM No: K1009
P.O. Box : 90153
I/COM: 8086

Monday, May 12, 2014

Big Application Though Ontology in the Legal Sector

The followings are can be done though the ontology in the legal domain.
  1. Information Retrieval
  2. Translation of legal document
  3. Automated classification and summarizing
  4. Questions and Answering
  5. Decision support and decision making
  6. Agent technology
  7. Process mining (new)
​While the reading this would be updated . . .​

Thanks & Regards
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
Lecturer - Computer Science
Department of Computing & Information Systems
Faculty of Applied Sciences/ Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka, Belihuloya.
Office: +94453454519 
Home: +94672222988

In Netherlands
= = = = = = = =
Private Address
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
113, Prof Gimbrerelaan,
5037 EH
Tilburg, Netherlands
+31 61 71 68270

Official Address

ROOM No: K1009
P.O. Box : 90153
I/COM: 8086

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Interaction Model . . .

Construction Model = Interaction Model (IAM) + Intersriction Model (ISM)

The interaction model is the most compact ontological model of an enterprise, together with the interstriction model. The followings are the advantages of IAM.

  1. It shows the boundary of the organization, as well as the interface transactions with actor roles in the environment.
  2. The wholeness of the transaction pattern facilitates the attention for customer care.
  3. The IAM shows the ontological units of competence, authorization and responsibility.
  4. The competence of the IAM allows the IAM of small and medium size enterprises to easily fit on a sheet of A3 format paper.

The construction model (CM) of an organization specifies its composition, its environment, and its structure, according to the system definition. This is an essential overall picture of a project that we select. In fact the composition and the environment are both a set of actor roles.

This construction model usually referred to as the global CM of an organization. The kernal of particular CM contains only elementary actor roles called the "detail CM". 

We have some basic legends to model the CM as follows;

  1. elementary actor role
  2. composite actor role
  3. boundary of organization
  4. transaction
  5. initiator
  6. executor

Thanks & Regards
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
Lecturer - Computer Science
Department of Computing & Information Systems
Faculty of Applied Sciences/ Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka, Belihuloya.
Office: +94453454519 
Home: +94672222988

In Netherlands
= = = = = = = =
Private Address
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
113, Prof Gimbrerelaan,
5037 EH
Tilburg, Netherlands
+31 61 71 68270

Official Address

ROOM No: K1009
P.O. Box : 90153
I/COM: 8086

Thursday, March 20, 2014

The Research Paper (Survey Paper: Comparing Ontologies in a Different Viewpoints)

This is my first survey paper title and works of this paper is almost done.  This paper would clearly describe the ontologies and their differences in a very passionate manner.

And the basic method of comparing the ontologies would be described here. Once the paper is ready and published the link will be updated in my blog.

Thanks & Regards
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
Lecturer - Computer Science
Department of Computing & Information Systems
Faculty of Applied Sciences/ Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka, Belihuloya.
Office: +94453454519 
Home: +94672222988

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

The Ontology Differs from Database Schema or Class Model

An ontology differs from a database schema or object-oriented class model in at least three important ways: objective, scope and content.  First, the objective of an ontology is to represent a conceptualization that is neutral in terms of technology, representation, and application. In other words, an  ontology is not the same as, say, a UML software design, although it could be used to guide software designs. Second, the scope of an ontology is all applications in the domain, not just one. And finally, an ontology contains knowledge specifications where the meaning of the concepts represented is explicitly specified and constrained and where the rules to infer further knowledge are explicitly defined.

Thanks & Regards
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
Lecturer - Computer Science
Department of Computing & Information Systems
Faculty of Applied Sciences/ Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka, Belihuloya.
Office: +94453454519 
Home: +94672222988

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


This is very useful guide to sketch BPMN diagras. This web site really describes to work with bpmn 2.0

Thanks & Regards
RK. Ahmadh Rifai Kariapper
Lecturer - Computer Science
Department of Computing & Information Systems
Faculty of Applied Sciences/ Sabaragamuwa University of SriLanka, Belihuloya.
Office: +94453454519 
Home: +94672222988